Weight Management

As we all get older, it’s easy to develop middle aged spread, especially if we are slowing down and becoming less mobile. Obesity in our pets is a big problem, and a recent study suggested that the worldwide prevalence of pet obesity lies between 22% and 44%, and rates seem to be rising. The reasons why are fairly predictable.

Owners of overweight dogs feed them more snacks and scraps of our own food and are less likely to walk them daily. Owners of obese cats tend to use food as a reward and play with them less.

Overweight dogs also face reduced life expectancy – their lifespan is up to two and a half years shorter compared to dogs with a healthy body weight.

For our pets, the solutions sound familiar: regular exercise and a balanced food regime. Specialist diets improve satiety so that dogs feel fuller for longer. At The Vet Clinic, we have free weigh in’s and free advice for pets with larger waistlines and a variety of great wholesome and nutritious foods that your pets will love.

Samples are available for most of our range of Calibra food and there’s a 100% guarantee of money back if it’s not to their taste!

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If you have an emergency,
please don’t hesitate to contact us on
021 4632586

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